Milton Park adds touch-free sensors to new pedestrian crossings
Published on 20 January 2021

You may have noticed Milton Park’s new pedestrian crossings on Park Drive, helping people to safely cross when walking and running around the Park and enhancing the streetscape.
Recently, the Belisha beacons have been installed at the rainbow crossing and touch-free sensors added to this and the other new pedestrian crossings so that people can cross in a Covid-safe way without having to touch the controls.
These additions are part of Milton Park’s 2040 Vision to enhance the way that people move around the Park.
Veronica Reynolds, sustainable travel advisor, Milton Park said: “We have had positive feedback about our new crossings with people commenting that the traffic speed feels lower. Soon we will be monitoring the data to see the impact. The introduction of touch-free sensors means that people can move around the Park safely without having to worry about pressing a button to cross. Thank you to Dynniq for installing the new sensors.”