Urban Garden Awards winners 2022
Published on 20 October 2022

It’s no secret that we’re passionate about green space and biodiversity at Milton Park. Throughout the summer, we gave companies on the Park with an urban garden plot the chance to secure green-fingered glory in our second Urban Garden Awards.
Our urban gardens are part of our commitment to sustainability – allowing people based on the Park the chance to grow vegetables, herbs and other plants while at work. The patches are also a great way to get some fresh air, meet other people on the Park and share top gardening tips.
We’re delighted to announce this year’s winners, who have all earned some well-deserved garden centre vouchers…
Biodiversity award
- Gold – Replimune
Great Veronica plant to attract different species. The roses were beautiful roses and all together made for a really colourful plot.
- Silver – SBL – Systems Biology Laboratory
The bees were a big fan of the amazing sunflowers.
- Bronze – Immunocore
The garden so attracted lots of bugs! Back beetles that ate through their lettuce and nasturtiums and then they had an influx of ladybird hoovering them all up!