Didcot Powerhouse Fund awards 2022 grants
Published on 22 April 2022

Didcot Powerhouse Fund awards 2022 grants
This week, The Didcot Powerhouse Fund has confirmed that in its first year of grant-giving it has received 31 grant applications, for £232,000. The 2022 fund available to meet these grants is £89,508 and has enabled Powerhouse to provide a total of 15 grants, ranging from £500 to £13,000. The theme this year was ‘Supporting children, young people, and families as we emerge from the pandemic’. Milton Park is proud to be a founding member and Quantum donor to The Powerhouse Fund.
Elizabeth Paris, Interim Chair and Deputy Lieutenant, Oxfordshire said “The volume of grant applications was extraordinary, giving the Grants Panel an incredibly difficult task in deciding where to allocate the fund available. The submissions highlighted the incredible work that many people are doing to support local people. It has strengthened our resolve to raise more funds for next year and we invite individuals, businesses, churches, and other community bodies to help us to do this, so we can plug the need gap for many more community bodies in 2023.”
Local MP for Didcot and Wantage, David Johnston said “It is remarkable to see what can be achieved when a community pulls together. The grants to these 15 organisations will enable them to do more but I also want the applicants that did not receive a grant this year, to know that they are playing a vital role too and should also be applauded for their efforts.”
Successful grant activities ranged from the provision of wellbeing, mental and physical health initiatives for young people, to education including reading and maths assistance. Young carers will receive additional support and there will be more help and advice for parents who are breastfeeding, as well as a boost for parent-infant therapy. During the school holidays, disadvantaged families will have the opportunity to visit the Didcot Railway Centre, with a meal included, and there will be more baby and toddler sessions over this period too.
Grant applicants extend into the villages around Didcot as well as the town itself and this inclusivity factor was of particular importance to the Grants Panel. The Abingdon Damacus Youth Project is a charity that is based here at Milton Park, which enables young people to make positive difference within their own communities.
Successful organisations receiving 2022 grants:
12th Didcot Scouts | Didcot APUK | GWP Babies & Toddlers Group |
Abingdon Bridge | Didcot Community Partnership | Home-Start Southern Oxfordshire |
Abingdon Damascus Youth Project | Didcot Runners | Oxford Parent Infant Project (OXPIP) |
ARCH (Assisted Reading for Children in Oxfordshire) | Didcot TRAIN Youth Project | Oxfordshire Foster Care Association |
Be Free Young Carers | Great Western Society | Quest for Learning |
Total Fund Allocated in 2022 by The Didcot Powerhouse Fund: £89,508 |
Sabiene North, CEO of Be Free Young Carers said “Our grant will enable us to produce carer packs for local schools and to provide 1 to 1 sessions with a qualified volunteer for young people who undertake a caring role in their family.”
Ali Adams, Chair of the Didcot Community Partnership said “Many people are struggling to simply keep pace with the cost of living, for basics such as food and fuel. We will help by removing barriers to participation and opportunities for these families to join an array of groups locally, from special needs help to uniform and kit for scouting groups.”
Patron of The Didcot Powerhouse Fund, Lord Vaizey of Didcot said “Corporate donations represent the greater percentage of The Didcot Powerhouse Fund to date, but it’s Important that we all take an active role in fundraising. Running the London Marathon last year was a huge personal challenge for me but was also incredibly rewarding, knowing that each painful step would be raising money for the Powerhouse Fund.”
Philip Campbell, Commercial Director of Milton Park commented “Thank you to all the Milton Park businesses who have got behind the Didcot Powerhouse Fund. The demand has demonstrated the depth of need. We are delighted the grants panel has chosen to allocate the funds to a wide area including the villages around Milton Park. We hope that many more businesses and people will get behind the fund in 2022, so they can continue to fuel better futures next year”
If you are a Milton Park company and would like to know more about the fund please contact Veronica Reynolds: veronica.reynolds@miltonpark.com
Oxfordshire Community Foundation
The Didcot Powerhouse Fund is held and managed by Oxfordshire Community Foundation, Charitable Incorporated Organisation no 1151621 (England & Wales).