97 Jubilee Avenue

Property Type


Property Size

12,203 sq ft - 12,203 sq ft

Attractive Grade A offices.

97 Jubilee Avenue comprises a modern, detached Grade A office building with beautiful coloured glass panels. The property occupies a central location on Milton Park and therefore benefits from being within walking distance of a range of amenities including the Milton Feast, Pierreponts Café at the Innovation Centre, Dress’d, Park Club Gym and the Flying Saucer Coffee Van.

Upon entering the building there is a shared reception area, with the 12,203 sq ft (1,134 sq m) of available space being located on the ground floor. The suite, which has recently been redecorated, provides a mix of open plan accommodation alongside various meeting rooms and it has the benefit of a large kitchen / breakout space. To the front of the building there is a relaxing outdoor seating area and mature trees.


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