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Published on 29 August 2024
The Milton Park team is delighted to share the latest computer generated images (CGIs) of the redevelopment of Park Centre into Signal Yard – a place to relax, socialise, eat and drink.
The name Signal Yard is a nod to the past, but also a strong signal to the present and future of Milton Park. From a rural military depot and out of town trading estate, to a science, business and technology community… the Park has certainly undergone a big transformation in the intervening years.
The two new CGIs show the redevelopment from the direction of Park Drive roundabout with Western Avenue. The eagle eyed amongst you, will notice the car park to the west side has disappeared to be replaced by landscaping, seating and an outdoor event space. The car parking to the south will remain and the current EV charging provision will be increased and relocated to the south.
The tented structure, which sadly is nearing the end of its lifespan, will be taken down. This will flood the area with light and enable the area between the buildings to have planted green spaces and hanging gardens.
Before the main works at Signal Yard commence, enabling works will see the Apollo Pharmacy temporarily relocating to 11 Park House towards the end of September. For a map click here.
Nick and Moon from the Londis shop have decided to shut the shop for the last time in the middle of September, taking a well-deserved retirement. The Milton Park team wish them both all the best for the future and thank them for all their hard work over the years.
Watch this space for more news about Signal Yard and its future amenity providers* over the next few months.
*Please note the names of the amenity providers in the CGIs are for illustration purposes only.